Parker Woods Orchard Workday

March 15, 2025 @ 9:00AM — 11:00AM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar

Parker Woods Montessori Orchard: 4370 Beech Hill Ave Cincinnati, OH 45223 Get Directions

Parker Woods Orchard Workday image

Come hang out during our second garden workday of the 2025 season! Work will include cutting back last year's raspberries, giving the fruit trees some fresh mulch and doing some light pruning. Once it's all said and done, we'll take all the trimmings to the mythical "compost ravine." If we're lucky, we might even have some new trees to plant!

Closed toed shoes and long pants are recommended. Please bring a refillable water bottle, bug spray and/or sunscreen, gardening gloves, closed-toed shoes and appropriate clothing for the weather. All other tools and gardening materials will be provided.

Have questions? Reach out to Brandon at

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