Native Plants for Pollinators

September 25, 2024 @ 5:30PM — 7:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar

The Civic Garden Center: 2715 Reading Rd Cincinnati, OH 45206 Get Directions

Native Plants for Pollinators image

​“Planting for pollinators” is an often-repeated mantra in the gardening community. But what, exactly, does that mean?

Supporting pollinators goes beyond growing pretty flowers. It means providing host plants to support larvae, habitat to shelter through winter and ecological gardening practices that encourage biodiversity.

This class will explore these topics, plus dive deeper into the relationships between our native plants and the pollinators they depend on. All skill levels are welcome! We'll start with a lecture, then take a brief tour of the garden. You'll leave with a list of recommended species as well as an understanding of what it takes to support pollinators through their entire lifecycles.

Instructor: Julie Dennewitz, CGC Horticulturist

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